
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Thought I would share this awesome image I found of Jesus

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Amin .  Amin.

if you look back in time ; people use to say amin before they started their prayer and amin after the finished their prayer...also in script at one point it was wrote as Amin. 
THUS, is why I choose to say amin, amin at the end of my Prayers~

What Is your Favorite Christian Metal Band?


Nothing New

I am engulfed in silence...ridiculous silence. When i have no desire to listen to metal; just sit in silence. Something is wrong. very wrong. I awake refreshed in the morning with Christ by myside. But in the midst of late evening portraying darkness arrives.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Forever Alone except with ONE

So I am starting to ponder if i was meant to walk the road of life alone?.!..I have had to accept who i am ...a lot of men i think are scared by my directness and approach to metal..or the fact that i may seem like a party chick..but i do not party..unless it is a celebration for our lord. I meet guys that say they are Christian , then they slowly push me to the curb because I do not want to partake in sexuallness until I am married or soon to be! What is up with that. Maybe sometimes I should just be happy i am alone. To lie would be wrong ..but Id have more friends if i told men i was gay.  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Was I meant to walk this way

Christianity Industrialized in 300 A.D.

What is the Limit-industrialized Christianity.

I mean really do you think Constantine had any care for what the meaning behind Christ was in 300 A.D. Sure Christian fanatics must of been happy.
But, a lot of the scripts have never been incorporated into any Bible. And more ever they were destroyed; nevertheless a lot of stuff was rewritten after the fact carried down into the coming years from word of mouth. Who knows how much was fabricated through the writers minds.
Just a thought for the thinker, how many times through out the ages did people believe Christ would come and fight the war and end the adversary. We still await. So much prophecies and metaphoric analogies. 
I live in the Day and The peace for forgiveness. YAH I get stomped on emotionally but love breeds love- Hate breeds Hate. That does not mean the love you give forth-that person will return, but.perhaps you will receive a kindness from something or someone you did not expect!