
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christianity Industrialized in 300 A.D.

What is the Limit-industrialized Christianity.

I mean really do you think Constantine had any care for what the meaning behind Christ was in 300 A.D. Sure Christian fanatics must of been happy.
But, a lot of the scripts have never been incorporated into any Bible. And more ever they were destroyed; nevertheless a lot of stuff was rewritten after the fact carried down into the coming years from word of mouth. Who knows how much was fabricated through the writers minds.
Just a thought for the thinker, how many times through out the ages did people believe Christ would come and fight the war and end the adversary. We still await. So much prophecies and metaphoric analogies. 
I live in the Day and The peace for forgiveness. YAH I get stomped on emotionally but love breeds love- Hate breeds Hate. That does not mean the love you give forth-that person will return, but.perhaps you will receive a kindness from something or someone you did not expect!

1 comment:

  1. So I am not saying I am in anyway correct on the accounts of Constantine; it was only a mere thought.
    I think the true meaning behind Christ is more important than the Church abiding religious Christianity. For I have been to Churches and felt like i was no where home to Christ at all within the church/ministry....i went bible studies and felt far from comfortable. I would not want to fabricate myself, my flaws, my burdens, or my strengths and personally to many have found the typical church a meaning for them to feel better about who they are inside..which is a mask ; you can only feel better from the inside out - not from the appearance you betray on the outside in.
