
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Thought I would share this awesome image I found of Jesus

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Amin .  Amin.

if you look back in time ; people use to say amin before they started their prayer and amin after the finished their prayer...also in script at one point it was wrote as Amin. 
THUS, is why I choose to say amin, amin at the end of my Prayers~

What Is your Favorite Christian Metal Band?


Nothing New

I am engulfed in silence...ridiculous silence. When i have no desire to listen to metal; just sit in silence. Something is wrong. very wrong. I awake refreshed in the morning with Christ by myside. But in the midst of late evening portraying darkness arrives.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Forever Alone except with ONE

So I am starting to ponder if i was meant to walk the road of life alone?.!..I have had to accept who i am ...a lot of men i think are scared by my directness and approach to metal..or the fact that i may seem like a party chick..but i do not party..unless it is a celebration for our lord. I meet guys that say they are Christian , then they slowly push me to the curb because I do not want to partake in sexuallness until I am married or soon to be! What is up with that. Maybe sometimes I should just be happy i am alone. To lie would be wrong ..but Id have more friends if i told men i was gay.