
Friday, May 17, 2013

You have to submit some info and they email you the link to the free download
Phinehas.   enjoy

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

yeah I have been slacking on the Christian Metal downloads if anyone is even enjoying them >LOL well their there when someone wants them. Love Vic
Falling Darkness check it out 5 songs to download they are pretty good

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

No regrets Just Love

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I am sitting here realizing that the love of flesh is not yet in my cards. Having to realize that someone is not ready for God and Love and flesh bind love. Has been very hard for me. This person has hurt me , I have been hurt by many men. But, I have no hate inside. I am more sad that this man can not see and bear the fruit of love. So oh well. I do not think it would be wise of me to seek out any man/women bonded love. I focus my love to the Holy One . I need to understand the gospel and scripture and follow Jesus. If God wants to put that godly man in my path I will let him. I do not want to seek out humanly physical love. I have come to find if you cannot be content with the love of God; you will not be content with the love of man/women.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I hope all in this world today are filled with God's Love-
as each passing moment drifts by, let your heart be lifted and touched by the sky, of one guy~Jesus may you be blessed and bless him in all you do today and everyday. Victoria.D.B.

Sunday, January 27, 2013